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Standard Deviation in bar chart

Hi all,

I'm new to Qlik community so I hopefully address my questions appropriate.

We want to display the results of a survey.

I'm struggling with a horizontal bar chart  including standard deviation as attached in the example.

The dimension is "Frage", measure is "Antwort". I also calculated the standard deviation before which is named "Standardabweichung" as measure but I don't know if that is even necessary.

I tried bar chart, combo chart and the charts from visualization bundle but nothing seems to do the work for me.


Added to that, is there a possibility to kind of "overwrite" the axis labeling? As I needed to transform the written answers to numbers from 1 to 4, this is the scale that is shown in the bar chart but would not be sufficient to show. 

So it would be nice if there was a possibilty to change it to eg 1 = agree.

Thanks you guys.

Best regards,



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