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Button to Change Pivot table view

Is there a way to create a button to change the view of a pivot chart on a specific sheet?  Basically, the pivot chart, by default has 5 expressions, I want the user to be able to click a button to change the view to only show 3 of the 5 expressions and click it again to go back to the default view.

Is this possible?  If so, how?

Thanks in advance.

6 Replies
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Just use variables, so set up a variable (i.e. vShowExpressions). Create a button and add an action to set the variable equal to 1. In your pivot table set the expressions you want to hide to be conditionally shown when vShowExpressions = 1. Set the button to be visible when vShowExpressions = 0. Then create a second button that is visible when vShowExpressions= 1 and add a action to set the variable back to 0.

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

yes it is easy

1) define a variable ex. LET myVar = 0;

2) in the expression use conditional show and write in the textbox: myVar = 1

3) add a button and trigger action -> external -> set variable

     in the upper text box write myVar

     in the lower text box write: =if(myVar=0,1,0)

reload and enjoy


I think Alessandro has already answered; if you want further extend have a look to

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Thanks! Where in Add Action do I set to be visable when vShowExpression = 1 ??

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you can make the button visible on the Layout tab, set Show to be conditional and add vShowExpressions = 1 as the condition or you can do as Alessandro suggested and just use the one button and use an if statement to switch the variable between 1 and 0.


Use conditional enabling to show/hide the expressions, and a button to set this variable.