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Qlikview and R Integration

The macro is running fine but whatever the value i'm selecting from the patient id list box and running the 'macro run'

button, values are not reflecting on the text objects. What to do now?

My macro is :


LOGFILE_NAME = CurrentPath()&"/logs/R.log"


Sub runRScore

          ' Export the selected patient data to be scored.

          Set myTable=ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("DataSentToR")

          myTable.Export CurrentPath&"/data/ExportFile.csv",",",0   

          ' Create a COM object representing R

          Set R = CreateObject("StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector")

          R.Init "R"

          ' Rattle is Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Togaware Pty Ltd.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "library(rattle)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "building <- TRUE"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "scoring  <- ! building"

          ' The colorspace package is used to generate the colours used in plots, if available.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "library(colorspace)"

          ' A pre-defined value is used to reset the random seed so that results are repeatable.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crv$seed <- 42"

          ' Load the data.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$dataset <- read.csv('"&CurrentPath&"/data/readmission.csv', na.strings=c('.', 'NA', '', '?'), strip.white=TRUE, encoding='UTF-8')"   

          ' The following variable selections have been noted.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$input <- c('enum', 't.start', 't.stop', 'time','event', 'chemo', 'sex', 'dukes','charlson')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$numeric <- c('enum', 't.start', 't.stop', 'time','event')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$categoric <- c('chemo', 'sex', 'dukes', 'charlson')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$target  <- 'death'"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$risk    <- NULL"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$ident   <- c('record', 'id')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$ignore  <- NULL"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$weights <- NULL"

          ' Decision Tree

          ' The 'rpart' package provides the 'rpart' function.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "require(rpart, quietly=TRUE)"

          ' Reset the random number seed to obtain the same results each time.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "set.seed(crv$seed)"

          ' Build the Decision Tree model.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$rpart <- rpart(death ~ ., data=crs$dataset[, c(crs$input, crs$target)], method='class', parms=list(split='information'), control=rpart.control(usesurrogate=0, maxsurrogate=0))"

          ' Score a dataset.

          ' Read a dataset from file for testing the model.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$testset <- read.csv('"&CurrentPath&"/data/ExportFile.csv', na.strings=c('.', 'NA', '', '?'), header=TRUE, sep=',', encoding='UTF-8')"

          ' Obtain probability scores for the Decision Tree model on ExportFile.csv.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$pr <- predict(crs$rpart, crs$testset[,c(crs$input)], type='class')"

          ' Extract the relevant variables from the dataset.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "sdata <- subset(crs$testset[,], select=c('record', 'id'))"

          ' Output the combined data.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "write.csv(cbind(sdata, crs$pr), file='"&CurrentPath&"/results/ExportFile_score_idents.csv', row.names=FALSE)"

          ' Create plot file for the Decision Tree.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "setwd('"&CurrentPath&"/New Plots')"   

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "png('R_Score_Plot_1_"&Runtime&".png')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "plot(crs$rpart)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "text(crs$rpart, use.n=TRUE)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "title(main='Decision Tree', sub=format(Sys.time(), '%a %b %d %X %Y'), col.main='blue', col.sub='black', line='2', font.main=4, font.sub=3)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn ""


          ' Create Bar plot


          ' The 'gplots' package provides the 'barplot2' function.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "require(gplots, quietly=TRUE)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "set.seed(crv$seed)"

          ' Load the data.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "crs$dataset <- read.csv('"&CurrentPath&"/data/readmission.csv', na.strings=c('.', 'NA', '', '?'), strip.white=TRUE, encoding='UTF-8')"   

          ' Generate the summary data for plotting.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "ds <- rbind(summary(na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$sample,]$sex)), summary(na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$sample,][crs$dataset[crs$sample,]$death=='0',]$sex)), summary(na.omit(crs$dataset[crs$sample,][crs$dataset[crs$sample,]$death=='1',]$sex)))"

          ' Sort the entries.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "ord <- order(ds[1,], decreasing=TRUE)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "setwd('"&CurrentPath&"/New Plots')"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "png('R_Score_Plot_4_"&Runtime&".png')"

          ' Plot the data.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "bp <-  barplot2(ds[,ord], beside=TRUE, ylab='Frequency', xlab='Sex', ylim=c(0, 455), col=rainbow_hcl(3))"

          'Add the actual frequencies.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "text(bp, ds[,ord]+15, ds[,ord])"

          'Add a legend to the plot.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "legend('topright', bty='n', c('All','0','1'), fill=rainbow_hcl(3))"

          'Add a title to the plot.

          R.EvaluateNoReturn "title(main='Distribution of sex (sample)by death', sub=paste(format(Sys.time(), '%a %b %d %X %Y')), col.main='blue', col.sub='black', line='2', font.main=4, font.sub=3)"

          R.EvaluateNoReturn ""



          ' Close R connection


          Set v = ActiveDocument.GetVariable("vRuntime")

          v.SetContent Runtime(), True

          ' Load the scores into the QlikView application

          ActiveDocument.DoReload 2, false,false                    'Fail on error, Partial Reload

          WriteLog("Retrieved Scores from R at "&Runtime&".")

End Sub




Function CurrentPath()

    Set v = ActiveDocument.GetVariable("vAppPath")

    CurrentPath = Replace(v.GetContent.String,"\","/")

End Function  


Function Runtime()

          dtmThisDay =  Right(Cstr(Day(Date) + 100),2)

          dtmThisMonth = Right(Cstr(Month(Date) + 100),2)

          dtmThisYear = Year(Date)

          dtmThisHour = Right(Cstr(Hour(Time) + 100),2)

          dtmThisMinute = Right(Cstr(Minute(Time) + 100),2)

          dtmThisSecond = Right(Cstr(Second(Time) + 100),2)

          Runtime = dtmThisYear & dtmThisMonth & dtmThisDay & dtmThisHour & dtmThisMinute & dtmThisSecond

End Function


Function openOutputFile(filename)

   'Create and open an output file

    Const ForWriting = 2

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set openOutputFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(filename, ForWriting, True)

End Function


Function WriteLog(message)

    set logFile = openOutputFile(LOGFILE_NAME)



End Function


Here I want to select some id's from the list box and trying to reflect the values as a tree model and as a bar plot on two different text object. The .png files are generating but the value is not reflecting there. I'm giving the Text objects code:

1. Here I'm showing the tree model

=vAppPath&'\New Plots\R_Score_Plot_1_'&$(vRuntime)&'.png'

2. Here I'm showing the Bar plot

=vAppPath&'\New Plots\R_Score_Plot_4_'&$(vRuntime)&'.png'

Thats all. Any suggestion will be helpful.

I'm attaching the updated application in a new folder. please have a look.

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