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I have a excel sheet with a list of expressions and gave each one a name, now how do i reference that expression in a qvw file? i am doing this:

I have a excel sheet with a list of expressions and gave each one a name, now how do i reference that expression in a qvw file?  i am doing this:

I am doing this =only({1<ExpressionName={Name}>}Expression), how do I get it to convert the expression to actually do the calculation instead of showing the expression

3 Replies



talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Creator III
Creator III

I do it like this :


where MyField is the fieldname in excel and 1 is the first value (expression) in it which you want to use.

expression is like this in excel:

num(sum({<Rubriek = {'MARGE'}, BoekJaar = {$(=max(BoekJaar))}, BoekingsPeriode = {'<=$(=max(BoekingsPeriode))'}>}Waarde)


Former Employee
Former Employee

An alternative is to move part of the logic to the script; to create one variable per expression. Then you can refer to the expression directly and your expressions in your objects will become much simpler:


Load ExpressionName, Expression From ExpressionList.xls ;

For vExpressionNumber = 0 to NoOfRows('ExpressionList')-1

  Let vExpressionName = Peek('ExpressionName',vExpressionNumber,'ExpressionList');

  Let vExpression = Peek('Expression',vExpressionNumber,'ExpressionList');

  Set $(vExpressionName) = '$(vExpression)';

Next vExpressionNumber

Drop Table ExpressionList;