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On Demand- Specified path not found

Hi All,

Getting below error:-


Any clue?


Manish Madan

14 Replies
Not applicable

Your Nprinting Server can not find your QVW file.  Is your server a local server or do you have a dedicated server?  When we had this problem, it was because our Server did not have the Qlikview software loaded where the Nprinting Service login could see it.   If you login into your Nprinting server with your Nprinting Service account, can you see your licensed qlikview desktop icon? 

Not applicable

its dedicated one,Qlikview is also installed.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Another suggestion is to open the NSQ file in NPrinting designer. Locate the report you are trying to run via on-demand.. and just hit preview to see if it works.  If you get an error you need to resolve that first before on-demand works.

Not applicable

yes, its Preview is working as expected.

Champion III
Champion III

Hello Manish,

Did you move you .nsq file?? And does the path on Service tab (When you open the Nprinting Server) is where the path is shown where your .nsq file located?? Does it have the correct path??


Not applicable

yes, same path. checked many times.

Not applicable

Sorry, I was at a QV user group meeting this morning.  So, lets ask a few more questions and see if we can figure this out.

1)     Is this your first time using on demand or have you used it with other qv apps?

2)     So, if you log into your Nprinting Server, can you open QV and then open your app?  We use remote desktop to connect to our server and see the active desktop.  The login name has to be the same as the Nrpinting Service login

3)     When you run the desktop or client version of Nprinting, you are using your local installed version of QV to create your preview.  So, that does not really test your server, only that it can find the file where you say it is located.  When you do this, is it finding your file where you stored it?  The file name and location is shown at the top of the screen on your QV app.

4)     Are you using logical drive letters in your file path or network paths. ex  d:\Nprinting\App or \\server\Nprinting\app ?    In Nprinting Service, I indentify the location with the file path as d:\...  but in my on demand setup, I use the \\server location for the files.

5)     You have run the Server Monitor on the server and the nprinting service is started?  See below

6)     The server has the correct location of your Nprinting files?  See Nprinting Files location below

7)     You have saved your document in normal mode view and not web mode view?

Nprinting Server Screen.PNG

That is my basic trouble shooting for On-Demand.  Let me know if you find something that helps

Former Employee
Former Employee

From the dashboard, in web viewer mode, can you right click -> properties  of the 'run report' extension object button and take a few screenshots of the various properties  ?   If the report runs fine in preview we can validate that the properties are set correctly for on-demand.

Not applicable

Hello Manish,

Does the box 'Enable external requests' is cheked?

You have to enable them

turn off the web view

save the qv doc

turn on the web view and run the report.


Hope it will be helpfull