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Coloring alternate measures by expression is broken on the bullet chart

Hi all, 

we have been using the bullet chart recently as it's a very appropiate way of showing a measure against a budget or objective, especially because of the dynamic "Objective/Goal" lines you can configure.

Problem we've found is that when having multiple measures to select and using color by expression, so each measure is colored according to its own objective, it only works for the default measure and the others show grey bars when selected:

if(GetObjectMeasure()='Measure1',if([M1] > [ObjectiveM1], green(80),red(80)),
if(GetObjectMeasure()='Measure2,if([M2] > [ObjectiveM2], green(80),red(80)),
if([M3] > [ObjectiveM3], green(80),red(80))))

The exact same expression works on a regular Bar chart so I infer the function is broken on the bullet charts. Using segment color is too crowded for this specific need.

Meanwhile, does anyone know of a chart that offers similar functionality of the regular bullet chart so we can use it until it is fixed? 

Best regards

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1 Reply

Just throwing a hail mary to @Patric_Nordstrom to see if it's worth to raise a support case about this or it's already in the works or maybe it's an unfixable limitation of the bullet chart.

Best regards