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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Combined functioning of Global filter (Select Date Range) with Default State and Dedicated Filter (Select Date range) with Alternate State

Hello Team,

There are two dates in my data

  1. Ticket Creation date for values in line chart
  2. Customer Activation Date for values in bar chart.

So to consider both dates we have made one canonical master calendar based on these two dates and this Canonical date field is used in below highlighted Date Picker chart. From below three Date Picker charts the first Date Picker has default state and other two has alternate state with respect to that particular combo chart. So, first line of filters i.e. from Select Date Range, Year, Month, Country, State, City, Reach Plan Id, Lead Source, MVNE, and Old Carrier are global filters i.e. they have default state and Select date Range in container with combo chart have Alternate State.

In combo chart Line represents total no. of tickets and Bar represents cumulative count of Active Customers.


So when we make any selections in default state filters highlighted below then combo chart is reflecting values according to the selections. Bars represent cumulative count and line represents ticket count.


And even if we select date range from default state Select Date Range filter then also it is showing cumulative bar values and correct ticket count in line. And this is expected output when we make selections in Date Range.


But when we make selections in Select Date Range Filter having Alternate State present in container for Tech Ticket Analysis chart and CS Ticket Analysis chart then it is not showing values as per expected output. It is showcasing the below output which is not correct.

(The cumulative count of previous weeks / months / years is not being considered while making selections in Select date Range filter having Alternate State present in same container.)



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