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Hi All,
I a m in need of expression assistance here:
I would like the following 2 expressions to go in one expression to calculate the SUM. What would be the better way?
I tried many combinations but I did not get the desired results.
if(createdtimestamp1 = '$(v_Last_Creation)'
sum(If(ISNULL(Today() -[User Access Last Used]),1,0))
Can you explain what is intended by ISNULL(Today() -[User Access Last Used])? Is [User Access Last Used] a date field? If so, the expression would only return true if [User Access Last Used] was null().
Thanks for your response, Gary.
In a table with few other fields, I have a field called Idle Days and the expression is =If(ISNULL(Today() -[User Access Last Used]),'NEVER',Days_not_used,)
So I am trying to get the count of "NEVER" and display it on the KPI.
Yes, [User Access Last Used] is a date field.
To display the count of "NEVER" on KPI, I am trying the following expression but the numbers are going way OFF (330 records instead of 30 records) ,May be an simple approach available?
=sum(If(ISNULL(Today() -[User Access Last Used]) and createdtimestamp1 = '$(v_Last_Creation)',1,0))
It still isn't clear to me what ISNULL(Today() -[User Access Last Used]) is accomplishing.
Have you tried some like this in your KPI:
Count({$<[User Access Last Used={*},createdtimestamp1={'$(v_Last_Creation)'}>} Distinct [User])
[User] would be the unique identifying field for the user.
Sure, Let me provide some more details.
Here is an table with sample data.
UserName User Access Last Used Idle Days
Michael 03/21/2021 90
Mark 06/01/2021 23
Daniel - NEVER
Idle days field is calculated as If(ISNULL([User Access Last Used]),'NEVER',Days_not_used,)
Now as I mentioned, I am trying to get the count of Idle Days = NEVER and display it on the KPI.
I tried your count function with set analysis but did not bring the desired results.
Count({$<[Idle Days]={‘NEVER’}>} Distinct [User])
Idle days is an label for a column in table with an expression as below.
If(ISNULL([User Access Last Used]),'NEVER',Days_not_used,)
How can insert this into the set expression?
In your script Load, I assume your [User Access Last Used] is a field in the dataset,
1. Create a New column => to test the IsNull([User Access Last Used]) => 1 = Null, 0= Not Null
2. Then Sum this column in your KPI
This would be the most simple way of doing this.
Hope it helps.