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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Find the difference or common values between several columns


I have a pivot table like this:

                           Cat 1                      Cat 2                Cat 3


A                         Yes, All                    Yes                   Yes

B                           M                              M                     M

I would like to have another column in any place that will give me 0 when the Values in Categories are different from each other and 1 if same (so 0 for A and 1 for B). 

And also, I need to show somehow the values that are not common (here: All) by marking it in some colour, or maybe listing in another table if not possible in the pivot. (I have the values as separate ones, they are just concatenated in pivot because it doesn't want to show not concatenated values if more than 1).

Thanks for any hint.

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