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I have a QV report that I inherited. It uses an Excel template to read in the left side row labels and the expressions for each cell. Then there is an inline table
This is the excel template-
Then the inline table -
Then the table uses _metric as a dimension. Here is the QV report
I am trying to format the row labels with indentation. I can make them bold by including
<b> in the _Format column.
I want to indent particular rows like such –
Modified Retrospective |
Fair Value |
Other |
Insurance Revenue |
Incurred claims and other insurance service expenses |
Amortization of insurance acquisition cash flows |
Losses and reversal of losses on onerous contracts |
Adjustments to liabilities for incurred claims |
Insurance Service Expense |
Investment components |
Insurance Service Result |
I have tried to use the format column and   to insert spaces, but that did not work
Is this possible to do ?
Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
Did you try to add Chr(9), 9 is the ASCII code for "Horizontal tabulation" ?
Kind regards
I just gave it a try and it did not work.
AFAIK chr(9) isn't supported as content of a field-value and is replaced with a space of chr(32). Without specifying the system-variable verbatim leading spaces are removed during the load. An alternatively to chr(32) might be chr(160) or another space-chars.
Hi Marcus,
Thanks. I tried chr(160) and that did not work either.
IF(Match(RowNo(), 1, 4, 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 22, 26, 29, 30, 33), chr(160)) AS _Formatting,
RowNo() AS _Index,
I tried with and without single quotes.
I have seen similar formatting (underlining, Italic... ) in the styling here -
I can get those to work. I can use <center> and that will center the text.
Still trying to work this out.
Thanks again for the help,
It wasn't meant as a kind of a formatting else as an adjustment of the field-values and may look like:
repeat(chr(160(), Level * 2) & MyDimensionField as DimensionAdjusted
whereby Level is an extra field within your Excel as simplification to avoid n if-loop or pick(match()) queries against the rowno() to define the indent for each value.