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I have a spreadsheet which contains demographic data on individuals including their zip code. I want to create a map with a point layer showing the number of people in each zip code with varying sized points based on the value of the column Meds? = 'Yes'.
I cannot get even the most basic map to work as it does not recognize "zip" as location data. When I drag the ZIP field onto a map chart, it's just a mess.
I tried to change the data type of the ZIP using the data manager, but after selecting "geo data" I much choose from one of four options for city or state data. There is no zip code option.
What do I need to do?
hi @daveatkins
try adding the country code after the postal code
field: <postal_code>,<country_code>
Example: 3857,CH for Switzerland
or use the postal code in location field and use country field to limit the scope
i used a fixed value in location field but you could use a field, same for country field.
Hope this helps,
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Thank you; I found several helping things to be done:
Hi @daveatkins
1. Agreed, be sure you have the proper zip format for the country
2. Agreed, it the same I just commented, I would take out the white space before ‘US’
3. Can’t be sure, but if you see my screenshoot is a field called “location type” there you can tell the map that the field is a zip code, but I think it’s not going to be necessary
Hope this helps,
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