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Hi everyone,
I would like to edit a sheet so that when you open it, a filter is automatically applied.
To do this I added an action in the sheet with the following set analysis:
=if(GetSelectedCount ([Country]) = 0,'Italy',GetFieldSelections([Country],';',999))
Stakeholders would like a padlock to appear when the filter is applied and I would like to do so by inserting this command in the previous set analysis.
Do you know if there is a command that allows you to apply the padlock?
use bookmark.
or add button in the sheet and use action as per need.
I did it. I added the action "Select values in a filed" with the formule I wrote and "Lock a specific field".
The problem is when you open the sheet the filter and padlock work, then when you change the selection and get back to the sheet the selection doesn't change but appers the padlock.
I would like the padlock to appear only at the beginning, if you then remove it it must not return.