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Merge tables

Hi all, I need again your help. I would like merge two tables together to make one new. I tried concatenate and outer join, but results wasnt right. I need make table where will be fields "Material", "Storage Bin" and "Date" from first one and "Available stock" from second one. From second one I can take "Date" from file name (date is part of file name).

And after I make it succesfully, in Qlik application I need make table, when I will see how many specific materials is on specific bin (it is location) in different days.

In added file is screen of table what I need. Only now I know, that I see wrong data inside. I tried make it throught new filed "Keyword", that is "Material" + "Storage bin". Second added file is screen of data model viewer, where I see field "Available stock" only with "-".

This is my attempt in dataload editor:



    @3 as TO,

    @6 as Item,

    @7 as Material,

    @9 as TYP,

    @10 as "Storage Bin",

    @11 as PAr,

    @16 as Qty,

    @17 as "Mvt type",

    @21 as ADate,

    @7 &' '& @10 as Keyword

FROM [lib://TO/2017W??TO.txt]

(txt, codepage is 28591, no labels, delimiter is '|', msq, header is 5 lines);

Outer Join(Data)


//     Material,

//     "Storage Bin",

    "Available stock",

    Material &' '& "Storage Bin" as Keyword

//     Date(Floor(FileTime())) as ADate,

//     FileTime()

FROM [lib://zlx/ZLX02S_2017????_05????.txt]

(txt, codepage is 28591, embedded labels, delimiter is '\t', msq);

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