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Multiple Time Frame Selection on Map Sheet

Hi All,

I'm facing issue with Multiple Time Frame selection on Map Sheet.

Basically I'm calculating the Share Change (Curr Time Frames [Sum(ABI Vol)/Sum(Industry Vol)] - Prev Time Frames [Sum(ABI Vol)/Sum(Industry Vol)])  & based on the Share Change calculation placed in variable vMeasure_Map,  colour code is placed in the Region Boundary based on Range defined in the vColourScaleMap variable.

Share Change Calc on Map based on Single TimeFrame Selection.PNG

The Pop-Up under Feature Layer for Region has been modified based on Share Change Calc used in vMeasure_Map variable.

PFA the formula for each of the variables used in Map Sheet along with customized pop-up expression for Region Feature Layer.

So on multiple selection of Time Frame Selection, the Map is getting greyed out since the Share Change is not getting calculated.

No Share Change on Map Sheet on Multiple TF Selection.PNG

As we have used the same expression to calculate Share Chage on the Polygon Drill table on the right which is getting calculated accurately.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



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