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dear all:
I have a problem about "qliksense direct query with cloudera impala"
I have successful connected with impala, the below pic is my script;
the result show that I have get the dimension valus:"brand",
then I create a sample sheet,
1. drag"brand" field to the sheet as dimension
2. create two pie charts which use "brand" as dimension and "sum(site)","sun(showroom)" as measure
3. create a KPI chart which use "sum(showroom)"
Everything seems ok!
But when I choose the "brand", those charts shows error "cannot connect to the database"
You should try logging ODBC access.
Here's a link on how to do that https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense/2.2/Subsystems/Hub/Content/DirectDiscovery/logging-direct-discover...