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Hello Everyone,
I have read and watched a demo of ODAG, here I want to get clarity that what is the difference in the use of odag and bookmark, It may be a silly question but I am not getting that to handle big and low granule data we use ODAG to divide an application with selection into to new app, but if a user makes a selection and save it into bookmark it would do the same and works like the template application.
I need some understanding, please help.
BookMark is to store a selection and Layout of sheet . ANd when you open next time and select book mark it will show Same selection and layout.
WHere as ODAG is On-demand App Generation(ODAG) App Generation Where you Can have a Background application Whwer you use Binding using ODag and One front end app to Show The exact Data .
here when you select Filter in Main app it will load Data for That filter using Back ground app.
you will fill like it taking driectly from DB . But its slow.
We Call this COncept as Dynamic view too.
Thanks for your reply,
so what is the use of ODAG big data can be handled by this technique, is it divide the data model as well?
How Does it handle Large data it this reduce the size of main application.
Not sure about Diving Data Model but You can load some specific part of table instead of loading huge table.
actually big Data have data in big size so we can not load at a time so we talke required part of it.
I thing ODAG is designed for Same but Performance is very slow. when you Create or apply taking time to refrsh as we need to refresh it from Front end .
it Will load only Required things using FIlter
Lets say we have Differnt Country Data i.e India, US,UK, Japan. Suppose 40 Rows, 10 rows each.
SO in Normal Qliksense we can Load all country data in one go. i.e 40 rows and we Can select and see .
But Using ODAG when we Select Filter India then it will Load India Data from DB, 10 rows at a time
when US then Data for US only . 10 rows
Similar for other COuntry . So instead of loading all data, user can select and load data for requirement.
Hope this make sense