Hello ;
I'm trying to add a new dimension to my table. I have date values and im trying to add periodical values as months. For example 01.01.2017 to 31.01.2017 as January etc.
When i'm using calculated dimension in master items in the app below formula works,
if([Sales.Date] >='01.01.2017' and [Sales.Date]<='31.01.2017','Jan',if([Sales.Date]>'31.01.2017' and [Sales.Date]<='28.02.2017','Feb',if([Sales.Date]>'28.02.2017' and [Sales.Date]<='31.03.2017','March',if([Sales.Date]>'31.03.2017' and [Sales.Date]<='28.04.2017','April'))))
But when i try this from data manager, it says that '>' or '<' cant be recognized.
Why is this happening? stalwar1