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Qlik set Analysis

Hi Team,


  • One business date will be always selected
  • For that business date we are adding ITDSales value for Business Date= Last Year Last date + YTDSales value for current business date
  • I have plotted this with one bar chart having customer as dimension and measure as following. :

Total ITDSales  = if( Sum([Discount])>=1000,
num(Sum({$<BusinessDate={'$(=date(yearend([BusinessDate],-1), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))'}>}[ITDSales]) + sum([YTDSales]),'#,##0')

  • I  want to count the only customer where Discount is greater  than 1000. for above measure in chart
  • I am writing below expression but i am not getting exact count .

Total Customer Count

Count({<[Customer] ={"=Sum([Discount])>=1000"} >} distinct Customer)

Could you please help on same

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Qlik set analysis