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So i have a master table in which i joined some dimension tables
First i have a dimension table
which i inner joined to another dim table
So now i have 1 dim table, i left joined it to the master table:
So now i have a big master table sModulo (P.S: the master table contains more columns that i didn't show in this post)
The problem is in this table Qlik when there are for example 2 fields that share the same values in 5 columns out of 20 columns in total, like the columns Office, Price, Payment method, Nationality and Nationality ID, it takes 1 field and skips the others, and in another case it takes only the first field and skips the rest doesn't include them
What is the problem exactly? does it have a realtion with the type of joins i am using? any suggestions please
Hello, now i know what was the issue, when placing a table in a sheet and adding the columns if the columns have the same values Qlik shows them as 1, so to resolve that i needed to add another column Transaction number which contains different values so now Qlik is showing them all !!
I think the problem might be with your use of "IntervalMatch", I can't see where your matchfield ("Date") is coming from, it needs to be loaded before you compare it to you period start and ends, which I presume to be [Fecha desde] and [Fecha hasta]. Is there a table you load with the "Date" column before you load Terminal_TMP?
Hello, yes i loaded the master table before them which contains Date column and looks like this:
Hello, now i know what was the issue, when placing a table in a sheet and adding the columns if the columns have the same values Qlik shows them as 1, so to resolve that i needed to add another column Transaction number which contains different values so now Qlik is showing them all !!
Thank you!