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Hello @hic
I have one table name DAT . On every monday and thursday data is uploaded in it but with same count [ 36k rows were added on every monday and thursday]. it consist 4 fields
for ex 16-6-2021 thursday
coulmn 1 date 2 origin_area 3 dest_area 4 rates KEY (created by me)
data 16-6-2021 MU_FT GT_OI 3.4 (16-6-2021 MU_FT- GT_OI)
16-6 -2021 MU_GY GT_PO 3.6 (16-6-2021 MU_GY -GT_PO)
It Is basically the rates that were added every time on Monday and Thursday with fixed no of rows.
but I have no data for like date 17,18,19 as there is no such date present .
So basically I need dates and data for 17 18 19 which should be same for 16 th date . then on monday on 20th new rates will come So again I want those data to be replicate for 21 22?
Max(date) as Maxdate,
Min(date) as Mindate
Resident [DAT];
Let vMax= Peek('Maxdate',0,'MinMaxTable');
Let vMin= Peek('Mindate',0,'MinMaxTable');
Drop Table MinMaxTable;
date($(vMin) + RowNo()-1) as X
AutoGenerate $(vMax) - $(vMin)+1;
I am working with above code for missing dates
Please help
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