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I am creating the sample data table here :
Code | Category | Key |
112 | A | 001236 |
112 | A | 002589 |
112 | A | 002574 |
456 | B | 003698 |
456 | B | 007896 |
890 | A | 002365 |
890 | A | 005987 |
890 | A | 002365 |
342 | B | 001478 |
.i have 3 fields i want count of "key" of all code where "category" = A. I tried aggr function in expression but did not to get the expected answer.
my input is Code. for example: when I select code (112 ) it belongs to category A . so my expected answer is count of all key which has category A.
Expected result: A = count key = " 6 "
i have tried this expression but it gives me different answer.
Try this,
=Count({1<Category=p()>} TOTAL Key)
Thanks Saravanan , yes your output is correct but it didn't work for me it gave me total count key of all categories. I really appreciated.
Can u try this?
=Count({1<Category=p()>} Key)
no, it does not work either. Thanks!
Can you describe how you tried to implement the proposed solution and how your results are different from your expectation?
it worked perfectly with this sample inline table :
=Count({1<Category=p()>} Key)
Load * inline [
1122, A, 6
1122, A,8
1122, A, 5
456, B, 7
456, B, 1
890, A, 2
890, A, 3
789, B, 4
789, B, 9
678, C, 10
678, C, 12
A= 5
B= 4
i have huge data of 10 categories and hundreds of code , the above expression should work for it too but dont know why it does not work.
Thanks Saravanan , it works actually i didnt put filters in set analysis. now values are correct. I really appreciated, Thanks again one more time.
Hello , I need to use above logic with AGGR() function . below is the logic :
below logic when I selected Customer Code (which belongs to finance dept) I get from below logic DATE - DATE / SUM of that code . but I need to get all codes of same dept when I selected Customer Code .
ceil((sum(aggr(distinct min({<[Cat Type]= {'102'}, finalCheck ={"1"},Weeks-={"0"}> } [ Date])
(if([VFlag] = '1' AND [PN1] = [PN2],
If(PO=[PO 2] and Not Isnull([BN 2]),
aggr(min({<[Cat Type] , finalCheck ={"1"},Weeks -= {"0"}>} [Date]),key)),
if( not isnull (min([Release Date])),
aggr(min({<[Cat Type]= {'102'} , finalCheck ={"1"}, Weeks-= {"0"}>} [Release Date]),key),
[Creation Date]))),key)))/7)
Sum(aggr({<finalCheck={"1"}, [Cat Type]= {'102'} >} finalCheck ,key))
the above logic works perfect for when I selected Customer code I will get the sum of days . I need when I selected the Customer code I will get all customer codes which belong to same dept .