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So I thought I was being smart by trying to build a query that could combine some standard data with some aggregated figures using SQL and then using that as my SQL SELECT in the Data Load Editor, but it seems that QlikSense cannot read nested SELECT statements as I keep getting this error:
Connector reply error: ErrorSource: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, ErrorMsg: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'.
Here's a sample of the code I'm trying to use:
FROM "Metastorm9"."dbo"."EOCS_Outcall_Processing") AS "Processing"
FROM [Metastorm9].[dbo].[evw_AuditTrail]
WHERE eActionCaption = 'Create A Manual Ticket') AS "Audit_Table"
ON Processing.EFOLDERID = Audit_Table.eFolderID
MAX([ID]) AS Outcall_ID,
MAX([OutcallDate]) as MaxDate,
COUNT([eFolderID]) as Cases
FROM [Metastorm9].[dbo].[EOCS_Outcalls]
GROUP BY [eFolderID]) AS "Outcalls"
ON Processing.EFOLDERID = Outcalls.[eFolderID]
I guess I'm just not sure what the best way is to pull in the data. I was hoping to build the table this way as there were a few things that building this would allow me to do:
Maybe there's something I don't understand about the error, or maybe there is a Qlik solution to accomplish what I need, but I am not sure what to do at the moment and would appreciate any feedback or insights that anyone has to share!
Thanks for following up! Actually, I had just re-typed the code here, so that's just a typo.
Luckily, I was able to find a solution to this yesterday. From what I can tell, Qlik does not directly know how to read more advanced SQL statements; it can perform some basic SELECT and JOIN statements in your SQL statement, but I think more advanced functions need to be adapted to use Qlik's language. To that end, I was able to use the following code to achieve what I wanted:
FROM "EOCS_Outcall_Processing";
LEFT JOIN(EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft)
LOAD * Resident Outcall_Summary;
LEFT JOIN(EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft)
LOAD * Resident Audit_Summ;
Drop Table Outcall_Summary;
Drop Table Audit_Summ;
If([Caption]='Create A Manual Ticket', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'),
If([Caption]='Survey Received', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'), date([dtStartDate], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'))) as Case_Start_Date
Resident EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft
WHERE If([Caption]='Create A Manual Ticket', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'),
If([Caption]='Survey Received', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'), date([dtStartDate], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'))) >= '2019-01-01 00:00:01';
Drop Table EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft;
This code uses Qlik's own JOIN statements to join the EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft table to tables that I previously loaded in separate script pages (Outcall_Summary and Audit_Summ). The joins will connect these tables based on the columns that share the same names (in this case "eFolderID"). The RESIDENT function is what Qlik uses to call the previously loaded tables; the tutorial I read also recommended dropping them after they have been joined.
Once I have my FinalTable built, I create one last calculated field (Case_Start_Date) that picks the appropriate start time for each record, allowing me to then achieve the three objectives I laid out in my original post. Lastly, I just needed to make sure that this script appeared before the Auto-Generated Section so that I could use the table in Data Manager.
My understanding of how Qlik deals with SQL is that it sends it to the native engine (in this case, Microsoft) and lets it handle it. You got back an error from Microsoft. I suspect it's because you have a closing parenthese on this line:
FROM "Metastorm9"."dbo"."EOCS_Outcall_Processing") AS "Processing"
It's prematurely closing the statement.
Thanks for following up! Actually, I had just re-typed the code here, so that's just a typo.
Luckily, I was able to find a solution to this yesterday. From what I can tell, Qlik does not directly know how to read more advanced SQL statements; it can perform some basic SELECT and JOIN statements in your SQL statement, but I think more advanced functions need to be adapted to use Qlik's language. To that end, I was able to use the following code to achieve what I wanted:
FROM "EOCS_Outcall_Processing";
LEFT JOIN(EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft)
LOAD * Resident Outcall_Summary;
LEFT JOIN(EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft)
LOAD * Resident Audit_Summ;
Drop Table Outcall_Summary;
Drop Table Audit_Summ;
If([Caption]='Create A Manual Ticket', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'),
If([Caption]='Survey Received', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'), date([dtStartDate], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'))) as Case_Start_Date
Resident EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft
WHERE If([Caption]='Create A Manual Ticket', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'),
If([Caption]='Survey Received', date([Event_Time], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'), date([dtStartDate], 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'))) >= '2019-01-01 00:00:01';
Drop Table EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft;
This code uses Qlik's own JOIN statements to join the EOCS_Outcall_Processing_Draft table to tables that I previously loaded in separate script pages (Outcall_Summary and Audit_Summ). The joins will connect these tables based on the columns that share the same names (in this case "eFolderID"). The RESIDENT function is what Qlik uses to call the previously loaded tables; the tutorial I read also recommended dropping them after they have been joined.
Once I have my FinalTable built, I create one last calculated field (Case_Start_Date) that picks the appropriate start time for each record, allowing me to then achieve the three objectives I laid out in my original post. Lastly, I just needed to make sure that this script appeared before the Auto-Generated Section so that I could use the table in Data Manager.