we are moving from Qv to QS, and we have found another issue: we are reading sheets from different Excel files. We don't know the number of sheets or their names, so we are using this piece of ocde in QlikView that owrks like a charm:
for each file in FileList('\\qlikserver\Excel_Sources\SourceFile.xlsx')
ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Excel Files;DBQ=$(file)];
This creates a table (temp_tables) with the names of all the sheets in the SourceFile.clsx in the TABLE_NAME field.
The issue is that this is not working in QlikSense: I have not been able to re-create the connections as LIB connections and make this work. I have tried with this but nothing good happens:
for each file in FileList ('[lib://qlikserver\Excel_Sources\SourceFile .xlsx]')
LIB CONNECT TO 'Excel)'; //no place for DBQ=$(file)];?
Has anyone faced this before?
Thanks in advance.