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Hi - I have the following resident table :
With the following Fields:
Example data:
Product ID Product Value
-------------- ---------------------
ABC 1002
DEF 2025
GHI 3020
I would like to have a loop that will create a new table with one year of dates starting from the system date (today) for each of the product ids.
So for example (new table)
Product ID
Product Value
Product Calendar Date
ABC 1002 8/5/2020
ABC 1002 8/6/2020
ABC 1002 8/7/2020
DEF 2025 8/5/2020
DEF 2025 8/6/2020
DEF 2025 8/7/2020
GHI 3020 8/5/2020
GHI 3020 8/6/2020
GHI 3020 8/7/2020
and so on and so on....
any thoughts on how to do this ?
can weekend dates be excluded ?
Thanks - Jerry
hi add this load statement to the script
after the initial build of the table
NoConcatenate Load *
resident ProductInfoCalendarTable
where weekday(ProductCalendarDate)<5;
drop table ProductInfoCalendarTable;
something like this should work
load ProductID,
date(today()+iterno()-1) as ProductCalendarDate
residet ProductInfoTable
while date(today()+iterno()-1)<=date(addmonths(today(),12));
this worked perfect - thank you !
How can I remove the weekend days ?
hi add this load statement to the script
after the initial build of the table
NoConcatenate Load *
resident ProductInfoCalendarTable
where weekday(ProductCalendarDate)<5;
drop table ProductInfoCalendarTable;
Thank you very much - appreciate it !