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Multiple actions with a single if condition

Hello everyone!

I want to execute  multiple actions if the IF expression is met.

for example:

if(my_var=1, my_var2=0 and my_var3='one' ,<my else action>)

putting 'and' in the True case of IF doesn't work. But, I need something like this.

So if my_var=1, I want to set my_var2 to zero and my_var to 'one'.

Please help if you have a solution or any suggestion

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1 Reply
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

I think you either need multiple ifs:

if(my_var=1, my_var2=0,


,<my else action>))

Edit: Sorry above won't work


Or maybe create one variable which you will be able to split with subfield for example:

my_varTMP= '0;one' and then my_var2=subfield(my_varTMP,';',1) and so on