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Hi I'd like a way to dynamically change the URL connector string. This is an example:
LET extension = "/people";
FROM "results" PK "__KEY_results" FK "__FK_results")
FROM JSON (wrap on) "root"
URL "$(extension)");
LOAD [name] AS [name],
[created] AS [created]
RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable
WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_results]);
DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable;
'StarWarsREST' has the URL http://swapi.co/api and I want to make a connection to http://swapi.co/api/people. When I run this script to load data, if finishes without failure, but does not load any data. This is just an example. The ultimate goal is to change the extension variable in a nodejs script based on user input.
I did something similar where I had to go through a few pages (with a parm tweaked), but did this on the QLIK Sense Desktop.
Article that was useful:
You switch to legacy loading - but in doing so it can open up some security issues (other article did better explaining it).
While this code was from a prior way of doing it:
(looping through i a few times)
Set vUrl = 'http://whateverurl.html/results.aspx?p=$(i)&ps=20'
(html, utf8, embedded labels, table is @1);
Hope this helps in solving your issue.
Could you better describe what a script needs to look like on Qlik Sense Desktop to accomplish this? I am new to Qlik Sense and Scripting.
I was mistaken - my example involved the web html pull vs. the RESTFUL part.
That being said, I think this particular is covered very well by the brilliant Michael Tarallo mto
on the following page (using the STAR WAR API):
Working with the Qlik REST Connector, Pagination and Multiple JSON Schemas
I hope this helps guide you to the right answer.
The youtube video on the page:
Using the Qlik REST Connector - Pagination and Multiple JSON Schemas - YouTube
I just use the
WITH CONNECTION(Url "https://content.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/primary/events?key=AIzaS...");
as mentioned in the help https://help.qlik.com/en-US/connectors/Subsystems/REST_connector_help/Content/Create-REST-connection... like rscampbell mentions.
Just use a variable for the URL.
Select .... WITH CONNECTION(Url "$(web_page_variable)");