Hello community,
I tried to move a QLIKview document to sense, but it brings an error:
In a loop tables from different mandators should be loaded. In the first step, i create an empty table:
qualify *; //Postfix für Tabellennamen
// Reset all data:
workareas: load '' as Dummya Autogenerate(0);
orders: load '' as Dummyb Autogenerate(0);
Then I start the loop along the before loaded tablellist:
For i = 1 to $(vfound_tables)-1
let vfile=peek('av.name',$(i), 'tablelist');
let vtab= peek('Tabelle',$(i), 'tablelist');
let vmand=peek('mand',$(i), 'tablelist');
let BJahr=Mid('$(vfile)', index('$(vfile)','_')-4,4);
Concatenate ($(vtab))
Num#($(vmand),'#0') as mandator,
$(Byear) as Byear,
SQL Select * From "dbo"."$(vfile)";
If mod(i,10) = 0 Then
trace tableNr. ($(i) geladen von $(vfound_tables));
Next i;
I get the error by the first table in trying to concat data in the loop:
The fllowing Error occured:
The value 'System.Byte[]' could not be converted to type double
The Error occured here:
Concatenate (Workareas)
Num#(1,'#0') as mandator,
2011 as Byear,
Any Ideas that can help?
Best Regards