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When making an app for a new client I decided to include a default bookmark for a landing page. It works for me als admin when I log on that strea and open the app. I am automatically redirected to the landing page.
When I log in with the account of a user however, no automatic redirection. He does see the bookmark though. He also does not have the option to set it as a default bookmark
The bookmark is named: Panama Start Sheet
This is the security rule for sharing bookmarks I've added to the user:
!resource.App.stream.Empty() and resource.App.HasPrivilege("read")
and (resource.objectType = "story" or resource.objectType = "bookmark" or resource.objectType = "snapshot" or resource.objectType = "embeddedsnapshot" or resource.objectType = "hiddenbookmark" or resource.objectType="appprops") and (resource.name like "Panama*")
This is the security rule for the user:
((user.roles="Panama_DataModelReader" and resource.name="Panama"))
Security rule for user for the sheet level management:
((resource.objectType="sheet" and user.@SheetLevelManagement="All" and resource.published="true"))
Thanks for the feedback!
Just to see if this is a security rule issue or not, could you create a test security rule like this:
Filter: App* (not App_*)
Action: "Read"
Condition: user.name="Your test user"
Context: "Only in Hub"
Not sure if it completely matches your symptoms, but there is currently a defect around default bookmark and node set for "Production" purpose
Please take a look at https://community.qlik.com/t5/Support-Knowledge-Base/Qlik-Sense-Default-bookmark-Second-open-will-no...
Thank you for your reply!
It almost matches, but I'm not quite sure. When logging in as the user, it never worked, not once.
Thanks for the feedback!
Just to see if this is a security rule issue or not, could you create a test security rule like this:
Filter: App* (not App_*)
Action: "Read"
Condition: user.name="Your test user"
Context: "Only in Hub"
Yes! This did the trick!
Thanks so much!