i have two dimensions and a count(num), but i want to force one of the dimensions, period, into the X-axis (see screen attached). When i change the order of the dimensions, the y-axis switches position with the period.
The period, as a column, it's not linked directly with a date calendar, but there's a date linked in both (calendar and period) tables. What i want to show is the period, and not the date linked.
Not sure if of any help for the purpose, but my master calendar looks like the below:
source_dataset_counter has the period and date which is linked with the master calendar
period='2018_M01' , which is what i want to see in the x-axis
LET varMinDate = NUM(PEEK('date_period',0,'source_dataset_counter'));
LET varMaxDate = NUM(PEEK('date_period',-1,'source_dataset_counter'));
$(varMinDate) + Iterno()-1 As Num,
Date($(varMinDate) + IterNo() - 1) as TempDate
AutoGenerate 1 While $(varMinDate) + IterNo() -1 <= $(varMaxDate);
// Create the Master Calendar
Date(TempDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS Date,
WEEK(TempDate) AS Week,
YEAR(TempDate) AS Year,
NUM(MONTH(TempDate),'00') AS Month,
YEAR(TempDate)&'_'&'D'& DayNumberOfYear(TempDate) AS Day,
YEAR(TempDate)&'_'&'M'& NUM(MONTH(TempDate),'00') AS YearMonth,
'Q' & CEIL(MONTH(TempDate)/3)&'_'&YEAR(TempDate) AS QuarterYear,
YEAR(TempDate)&'_'&'W'& WEEK(TempDate) AS YearWeek,
WEEKDAY(TempDate) AS WeekDay
RESIDENT TempCalendar
Order BY TempDate ASC;
DROP Table TempCalendar;
Thank You so much,