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Ens trobem que durant 2 dies de feina, el 3r dia no queda constancia de res.
En cap moment s'ha fet una recuperació de bbdd ni hi ha errors a la màquina.
Algú ha tingut aquest error?
Per altra banda, alguna guia per fer les copies de seguretat del qvd (bbdd postgrsql) i les Apps?
VERSIÓ: Qlik Sense Febrary 2021 Pach 6, qliksenseserver:14.5.18
We find that during 2 days of work, on the 3rd day there is no record of anything.
At no time has a bbdd recovery been done nor are there any errors on the machine.
Has anyone had this error?
On the other hand, any guide to backup the qvd (bbdd postgrsql) and the Apps?
VERSION: Qlik Sense February 2021 Patch 6, qliksenseserver:14.5.18