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Hi all
I have an interesting scenario around the use of ADFS and active directory. Currently Qlik Sense has been successfully integrated with ADFS as well as active directory (SAML configuration for ADFS, user directory connector for active directory). The issue is that users consume multiple tokens when logging onto the Qlik Sense hub internally vs. externally. This creates not only duplication of users on the QMC as well as the consumption of two tokens but also results in people not able to access their workspace on the hub (My Work). For example, User X does development whilst logged onto the internal network (active directory). Later User X logs on through the ADFS portal whilst off site (external) and cannot access their work from earlier due to the fact that Qlik Sense is interpreting this as two separate users. The reason for not using ADFS exclusively is because of the network security and firewall configurations. My first thought was to always log onto the ADFS portal and access Qlik Sense from there exclusively but unfortunately that is not an option at the moment.
Is there some form of configuration or workaround to force Sense to interpret the user as the same person no matter which directory they log in from?
Ruhan, Did you ever get a solution on this? We are having similar issue.
Hi Rumeister,
Did you got any more detail about this topic?