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We are running QlikSense 3.1 SR (synchronized persistence) and we want to arrive to the latest QlikSense June 2018
My plan is to:
QlikSense 3.1 SR1 - > QlikSense 3.1SR2 -> QlikSense June 2018.
My question; do we need to a specific manual migration from synch -> shared persistance, or will this take place in QlikSense 3.1SR2 -> QlikSense June 2018?
Thanks in advance,
I think you can try :
Qlik Sense 3.1 SR1 -> Qlik Sense 3.1 SR2
Qlik Sense 3.1 SR2 -> Qlik Sense 3.2 SR5, with traformation to share persistence (https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense/3.2/Subsystems/Installation/Content/InstallationLicensing/Upgradin...)
After peraps :
Qlik Sense 3.2 SR5 -> Qlik Sense April 2018 (or you can do a step with Qlik Sense September 2017)
Don't forget to make a snapshot of your server. I made this migration 3 times and It's not realy easy
My understanding is that its possible to go from Qlik Sense 3.1 SR2 -> Qlik Sense June 2018
What benefit would I get to via via Qlik Sense 3.2 SR3? I thought I could the transformation to shared persistence on:
Qlik Sense 3.1 SR2 -> Qlik Sense June 2018
Just to change the persistence mode. When I have try to migrate Qlik Sense 3.1 directly to Qlik Sense June 2017 that didn't work (2 times)
Ok, I understand. Thanks for the tip!
But do you know if the transformation from synch to shared should be possible to do from Qlik Sense 3.1 SR2 -> Qlik Sense June 2018. Or is it not even suppose to work? I don't think the help pages are clear on this,
You can try