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Setting User Directory Connector to Google LDAP

Hello, I am trying to setup a Generic LDAP UDC to our Google Workspace domain using the Google LDAP server. The setup process seems to fail because of a timeout but I can connect and browse through the LDAP server using Softerra LDAP Administrator. The certificate from Google is installed in my user's certificate store, the service user's certificate store, and in the local machine certificate store. The firewall is disabled. Running on Windows Server 2022.

From the Repository\Trace\UserManagement_Repository log:
"Fetching directoryentry LDAP:// failed: This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Setting up UDC of type Repository.UserDirectoryConnectors.LDAP.GenericLDAP unsuccessful Setting up connection to LDAP root node failed. Check log file."

From the Proxy\Trace\System_Proxy log:
"Failed to authenticate stream as Server An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate↵↓A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. NO-STACKTRACE
Above happened because: An unknown error occurred while processing the certificate NO-STACKTRACE
Unanticipated System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException occurred accepting client, disposing connection attempt"

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2 Replies


If you are not already, try using Advanced LDAP. 


Advanced LDAP did not work either. I "resolved" the issue by setting the path to ldaps://, but after that had issues with pulling in the user's display name and then actually authenticating. Eventually gave up and set up SAML auth, following this guide: