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Loading data from DB into CSV with special characters and then load it into Azure using bulk load


I am trying to load a load a table from on-prem SQL server to Azure SQL Server(single instance) DB using bulk load. Source table is having 20 millions records. My job flow is tDBInput --> tMap --> tFileOutputDelimited --> tAzureStoragePut --> tDBRow. I have used bulk insert script inside the tDBRRow component.

   BULK INSERT dim.table1

   FROM 'bulkexecfiles/table1.txt'

   WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'BlobStorageAccount',

    FIRSTROW = 2,


    ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a',



I have the below issues

  1. Source data is having lot of special characters(including new lines), so while loading into txt file I am not able to use any of the separators.
  2. If I use text enclosure while writing into file, Bulk insert is failing.

Can anyone suggest how to process this data. Thanks in advance

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