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Configuring Talend MDM Server


I'm trying to install Talend MDM Server but I don't how to do it. A long time ago, I installed Talend Open Studio for MDM and I got 2 different folders, one called TOS_MDM-Studio and the other one TOS_MDM-Server. However, when I try to configure the server at the Studio program by clicking the "Add Server location" button and introducing http://localhost:8180/talendmdm/services/soap as the server it requires me one username and password, which I don't know. ¿Could someone please help me?



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Hello Ruben,

There is mdm conf file will show the default mdm admin user/passwd as the below which is under <mdm server home>/conf/mdm.conf





so, the default username/password in your case is admin/talend


Best regards


Contributor II
Contributor II



To configure Talend MDM Server, follow these steps:


First, make sure you have the necessary installation files for Talend MDM Server. If you haven't downloaded it yet, visit the Talend website and download the appropriate version for your operating system.


Once you have the installation files, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. Make sure to choose a suitable location for the server installation. mcdvoice


After the installation is complete, navigate to the installation directory of Talend MDM Server. In your case, it should be the "TOS_MDM-Server" folder.


Inside the installation directory, locate the "bin" folder and open it.


Look for a file named "startup.bat" (for Windows) or "" (for Unix/Linux). This file is used to start the MDM Server.


Double-click the "startup.bat" file (Windows) or run the "" file (Unix/Linux) to start the MDM Server. This will initiate the server and make it accessible.


Once the server is running, open Talend Open Studio for MDM (the "TOS_MDM-Studio" folder).


In the Studio program, click on the "Add Server location" button or go to the preferences/settings menu to configure the server connection.


In the server configuration window, enter the following URL as the server location: http://localhost:8180/talendmdm/services/soap


The server will prompt you for a username and password to authenticate. By default, the credentials are usually "admin" for both the username and password. If these credentials don't work, it's possible that during the installation process, you might have set up different login credentials. Try using any login details you have or contact the administrator for assistance.


After entering the username and password, click "OK" or "Apply" to save the server configuration.