Hello all,
As an OEM, we have been looking at adding a SSE Python GRPC server for some of our Clients.
Is there any documentation or white paper about deploying a production worthy SSE to work with Qlik?
Some of the questions I am looking for guidance are:
Healthprobes to the Python Server: Is there a ways for Qlik to be queried about the health of the SSE server? Otherwise we would want to have an external entity be able to check on the status of the SSE. Using the Health Check gRPC protocol looks promising but there are almost no examples of it.
LB/HA: Are there any plans of adding Client level Load Balancing (L3/L4)? From some communication I've seen, the current implementation leads to having a L7 server load balancing. Has anyone been able to configure this for Qlik?
Server deployment: The current set of examples all run from command line which is killed by keyboard interrupt. Does any one have any guidance about providing a more gracious start/stop to the server?