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How to: Configure the Mail Connector in Qlik Application Automation

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Former Employee
Former Employee

How to: Configure the Mail Connector in Qlik Application Automation

Last Update:

Feb 21, 2023 8:41:08 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Sep 28, 2021 2:33:55 AM




To create a Mail connection in Application Automation, do the following:

  1. In Qlik Sense SaaS Hub select Add New > New automation
  2. On the create dialog, select Connections in the menu


  3. In Explore, search for Mail and select the Mail connector. Press Add
  4. Fill out the details for your SMTP server. Press Save and Ok

The Mail connection will now be listed in My connections.

Verify the Mail connection by creating a simple automation.

  1. In Qlik Sense SaaS Hub, select Add New > New automation
  2. Give the automation a name and press Save
  3. In the automation editor, click on the Mail connection in the left pane

    Mail Connector.png

  4. Drag the Send Mail block on to the canvas, connecting it to the Start block
    Send Mail Block.png
  5. In the right pane, fill out the required fields to send a test email

    Mail details.png

  6. Press Save and Run to execute the automation
  7. Verify the test email being sent successfully and received in the mailbox

    If you receive any error when running the test automation, verify the details of your SMTP server being correct (Host, Password still accurate, Port etc):

    Mail error.png

  8.  In the menu select Connections to go back to the connections page
  9. In My connections, select the Mail connection and press Edit connection
  10. Confirm all settings being correct and press Save
  11. Run the test automation again to confirm the email being sent



  • The Mail Connector does not at present support SSO. See Qlik Application Automation: "Send Mail" block doesn't work with Gmail's with Okta integration

  • The configuration for an Email server that already exists on a tenant cannot be used within an automation. A new connection must be created in Qlik Application Automation.

    Qlik Sense Saas - Email settings.png

  • The connection will not be verified during creation. As a best practice it is always recommended to verify the Mail connection with a simple automation, before using the Send Mail block in more advanced automations.


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The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.

Labels (1)


When adding html code to the body section, you should add single line compressed code. Otherwise, line break <br> will be added to the html code when sending the email.


Subject field can't handle especial charset like à, õ.... I believe it's because the html charset is not utf-8... is that correct?


A turnaround for special charsets:

1. Go to (Online PHP Editor)

2. Add the code bellow. This function will encode your string to mime header.

$name = "My Spécial subject ❤ "; // your subject
$addr = addcslashes(mb_encode_mimeheader($name, "UTF-8", "Q"), '"');
echo $addr;

3. Click the eval(); button.

4. Copy the output and paste it to the Subject field on the automation mail block.



Former Employee
Former Employee

@sfbi That is a valid workaround. Another would be to put the php code into a custom code block and use the output from the block as the input for the subject field in the Mail connector:



Nice... didn't knew that is was possible!


It might be worth noting that this connector does not work when SSO is applied to the mail service.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III


I try to configure an email block but using outlook address i face some issues





In the connection block email i put the following


  1. Enter the following settings when creating the connection:
    1. sender email address: your full email address
    2. username: my email address
    3. host:
    4. password: my password
    5. port: 587
    6. security: STARTTLS
  2. Anyone face that issue before ??

When i look into the qlik management console setting and mail settings i have this





Thank you

Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @random_user_3869 

I would recommend posting about this issue in our Qlik Automation forums to make use of our active userbase and our agents.

All the best,

Version history
Last update:
‎2023-02-21 08:41 AM
Updated by: