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How to Start Replicate task from timestamp or bin log position for MYSQL source using Replicate log?

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How to Start Replicate task from timestamp or bin log position for MYSQL source using Replicate log?

Last Update:

Mar 24, 2022 8:34:55 PM

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Created date:

Mar 24, 2022 8:34:55 PM


Qlik Replicate 

#MYSQL Source

Once we stop the task, we can find the below lines at the end of the task log. Collect stream position and last source timestamp.

00015484: 2022-03-24T19:25:08:107263 [SORTER          ]I:  Final saved task state. Stream position USREM-HDW-bin.000015:737:-1:768:64424509985:USREM-HDW-bin.000015:612, Source id 8, next Target id 25, confirmed Target id 21, last source timestamp 1648163672000000  (sorter.c:770)

00000432: 2022-03-24T19:25:08:107263 [SOURCE_CAPTURE  ]T:  Entering 'mysql_endpoint_free_imp'  (mysql_endpoint_imp.c:787)





00026340: 2022-03-24T19:25:18:786141 [AT_GLOBAL       ]I:  Closing log file at Thu Mar 24 19:25:18 2022  (at_logger.c:2535)

Ex:     Stream position USREM-HDW-bin.000015:737:-1:768:64424509985:USREM-HDW-bin.000015:612

           last source timestamp 1648163672000000


Now convert these values to be compatible with replicate.


  1.  Always take the first part from the stream position which represents MySQL bin log name (USREM-HDW-bin.000015) and position (737) inside the bin log.


 Stream position USREM-HDW-bin.000015:737:-1:768:64424509985:USREM-HDW-bin.000015:612        -->     

Source change position (e.g., SCN or LSN):         USREM-HDW-bin.000015:737





         2.  Convert last source timestamp to time stamp using epoch converter.


Below is the last source timestamp from the task log:   

last source timestamp 1648163672000000   -->   Thursday, 24 March 2022 19:14:32 From <>





Version history
Last update:
‎2022-03-24 08:34 PM
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