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Creating, Calling and Implementing the OpenAI Connector

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Creating, Calling and Implementing the OpenAI Connector

Last Update:

Jun 28, 2023 7:33:36 PM

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Created date:

Jun 28, 2023 7:33:36 PM

"Hurray! There is an OpenAI Connector. Now what do I do with it?"

If that thought has been going through your head I totally understand and have created a series of 3 videos to help you get going. And never fear, these aren't hype videos. They are centered on a very real premise and use that involves the fact that "Qlik already provides industry leading #AI, so let's augment that instead of trying to reinvent the wheel." 

Video 1 - Creating

In this video I will help you understand the various prompts and value ranges that are required to create an #OpenAI connection so that you are comfortable with the incredible flexibility offered. 

Here is the link to the OpenAI API help page I referred to in the video:

Video 2 - Calling

In this video I go beyond just calling the OpenAI connection with a question, to passing data. Not my highly sensitive, albeit fictitious, sales data, because let's face it, your first use case probably isn't going to be pass your real sensitive data either. More importantly this video helps you appreciate the need to really understand what OpenAI and other Large Language Models do best. Hopefully, you appreciate this incredibly powerful use case that takes full advantage of OpenAI in a way that augments the #AI that Qlik already provides. 

Video 3 - Implementing

If you thought Video 2 was fun setting up the use case, you will really love this final video in the series as I show you how to actually implement the use case in a real way. 



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Last update:
‎2023-06-28 07:33 PM
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