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App Metadata Analyzer (Windows)

We are excited to share the official release version of the Sense "App Metadata Analyzer" app!

This is a "productized" version of the super app that @Daniel_Pilla and @Levi_Turner posted on Qlik Branch (qs-app-metadata-analyzer).

This app iterates over every application metadata endpoint along with several other QRS calls (Nodes, Apps, Proxies, LB audit), ultimately providing a comprehensive dashboard to analyze your application metadata server-wide. This allows you to have a holistic view of the makeup of all of your Qlik applications, enabling you to have awareness at a granular level of the types of applications in your organization. This application is 100% native to Qlik without any installer, and is easy to configure within the Qlik Sense Enterprise environment as the app takes advantage of the existing 'monitor_apps_REST_app' connection to drive all of the REST calls.
As of the Qlik Sense June 2018 release, a new application level metadata endpoint is available. Data is populated for this endpoint per app post-reload in a June 2018+ environment. You can view this application metadata within your own June 2018+ environment at:

where <server> is your Qlik Sense Enterprise server and <GUID> is the application ID. Note that the application is not lifted into RAM as metadata is fetched.

Data from this endpoint is derived as part of the app reload process, and therefore does not include any object or expression related metadata. The data from the endpoint includes:

* server metadata including number of server cores, total server RAM
* reload time
* app RAM base footprint
* field metadata including cardinality, tags, total count, RAM size, synthetic keys
* table metadata including fields, rows, key fields, RAM size, circular references

For a deeper analysis of the application including a demo video, please refer to:

June 2020 Update: In version 2.2.1 and forward of the App Metadata Analyzer, a new Alerting sheet has been added, along with two new variables in the load script. The purpose of this sheet and added capability is to make integration with Qlik Alerting as simple as possible. This new capability and view allows for a Qlik administrator to easily see what applications have breached what thresholds (as well as how many) and be quickly alerted on them. It also allows for the administrator to disable alerts for specific applications and mark others as under review, which might have a different cadence. Please see the attached guide for much more detail and example policies/configurations.

Version History

  • v2.2.2 (July 2020) >
    • Replaced the "AppName" field with the "AppNameUnique" field in many visualization objects to properly visualize identically named apps.
  • v2.2.1 (June 2020) >
    • Resolved incremental load issue to include imported apps with metadata that had not yet been reloaded on the server
    • Resolved issue with application tag values not appearing
    • Resolved autonumber collision issue with "FieldNameUnique" and "TableNameUnique" fields, due to AutoNumber() being used pre and post QVD
    • Resolved issue where some threshold breaches were stored to QVD, forcing applications to be reloaded before a change of threshold would take effect
    • Removed system fields and system tables
    • Modified chart "Field # Records" to "Field Cardinality" on "Dashboard" sheet
    • Modified "Threshold Analysis" sheet to use boolean logic for measures over/under thresholds vs a dynamic range
    • Added in the sheet "Alerting" for visualizing threshold breaches and allowing for simple tie-ins to Qlik
    • Alerting and NPrinting
    • Added flagging of circular references
    • Added ability to ignore applications from "Alerting" page with specific tag value
    • Added threshold reference lines to "Dashboard" objects
  • v1.1.0 > Fixed Incremental loading bug (field count changes over time) (QB-981)
  • v1.0.2 > Added back error handling "loop" in load script to handle missing apps (QLIK-98225)
  • v1.0.1 > Small fix to correct the KPI for Table Footprint
  • v1.0.0 GA > First official release, compatible with June 2018 Sense and later, target release September 2019
  • Required Configuration: In the "configuration" section of load script, update the vu_central_node_host_name and vu_virtual_proxy_prefix variables as described in the load script





Threshold AnalysisThreshold Analysis


App AnalysisApp Analysis




App AvailabilityApp Availability


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23 Replies
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hi Tyler_waterfall, 

My app meta data analyzer dashboard is not working, i.e it is showing incomplete visualization due to no proper dimensions.

How can i fix that ?



Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Will this app work with the April 2019 release? I've given it a go but the load fails, I get the following message repeatedly:

"Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0."

This error appears to occur for each of the "WITH CONNECTION" statements.

I suspect it is to do with the hyphen ("-") in our server name but I don't know how to prove it. The vs_host_and_virtual_proxy_prefix variable evaluates correctly and I connect in other apps to the connector without issue via the REST connector. Any ideas on what is happening?

Contributor II
Contributor II


I have been using it since many months, but it has now stopped working since we moved from Windows Authentication to SAML. It now shows following error.

The following error occurred:
HTTP protocol error 500 (Internal Server Error):

We have 1 Central Node and 4 Rim nodes and we are on Version is September 2019.


Thank you



I used this app analyzer and very useful

An question that I have is, if an app shows an certain RAM foot print, that means the app takes the RAM just sitting on the server though that app is not consumed by any users or used in any reload tasks?

Can some one please clarify?
