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Chennai KML

The task consists in the geographical representation of the Indian city Chennai and the connection with orders originating from the Truck app lynk. The basis of the orders comes from an Excel file which I attached.

I already have a kml file which only has wards and no exact addresses. Which is why an assignment of orders to more specific addresses would not be possible.

Now, with the help of a website, I have created a KML file from the addresses of the Excel file, which is also recognized by QlikSense.

However, it is not possible by means of this to generate polygons.

Nevertheless, I wanted to try to generate an overview of the numbers of orders for different addresses.

Now my main problem is that after adding the KML files and seeing them in the map as points (see Appendix A), I can’t see them in the Data Editor (left in the dark gray bar in Appendix B) to connect them with the Excel file and the information in it. Unfortunately, I have found no solution to this even after thorough Internet research.

I then tried to "cheat" and just manually add it again (right through data connection in Appendix B). After that, I get a buggy overview, as the legend of the card says that there are a total of 18,236 Orders, which is wrong. (see Annex C)

So this approach could not solve my problem.

I would be grateful if someone could help me

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