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Partner - Contributor

Conditional Sum/Count of elements and display a KPI

Hello guys,

I´m developing a new task inside Qlik and I wonder If it is possible to calculate % in order to do a KPI performing a counting operation with conditional. So the question is the following:

How to sum or count (it depends on the method that better fits the task) values which accomplishes 2 conditions and then calculate the %sample with the total number of elements?

I have a dynamic threshold in x-axis (that´s the first condition), when I say "dynamic" I mean I am able to change the value of that variable within a slider. The chart below illustrates the graphical representation:

ThresholdThresholdFor instance, I would like to get the orange and green points which are above the threshold level.

And then I want to screen those points using "and" conditions (they have to fulfill both conditions). I describe an easy example:TableTable


I would like to choose the individuals who have an age higher than 20 years old and "True" value in the dummy column, in this case it would be "María" and "Javier". So u guys have to imagine that the dynamic threshold is the age and then exist a binomial value "Y" or "N".

I´ve done several tries inside expression tab of KPI tool in dashboard but without success. Using "count" and "sum" commands and their condition built-in.

Any suggestions? 

Thanks guys!!






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