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Contributor III
Contributor III

Count items based on cross referenced dates


I have a data set with two dates - Report Month and Actual Month. I am trying to create a pivot that counts the number of items that corresponds with each month as per below example.  If I just put Count (Distinct Item) it duplicates counts. The closest I've come is: If(Reported Month = Actual Month, Count (Distinct Item),0) but that obviously only works partially.

Any help would be much appreciated

Item  Reported Month Actual Month
A January January
B February January
C February February
D March January
E March March
F March March


Expected Pivot Table Result:        
  Actual Month  
  January February March Total
Reported Month        
January 1     1
February 1 1   2
March 1   2 3
Total 3 1 2 6
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1 Reply
Former Employee
Former Employee


Count(distinct If([Reported Month] = [Actual Month], Item))