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Cumulative current and previous year comparison


I have these data ant I need to compare current and previous year sales and cumulative current and previous year sales:


YearMonthcurrent SalesPrevious salesSales evolutioncurrent Cumulative SalesPrevious cumulative salesprevious Sales evolution
2016jan.$ 3.210.255,67$ 2.916.318,75 $ 3.210.255,67$ 2.916.318,75
2016feb.$ 2.416.694,16$ 2.619.870,73 $ 5.626.949,83$ 5.536.189,48
2016mar.$ 3.136.653,17$ 3.427.868,53 $ 8.763.603,00$ 8.964.058,01
2016apr.$ 3.014.915,70$ 2.970.871,88 $ 11.778.518,70$ 11.934.929,89
2016may.$ 3.224.530,82$ 2.936.163,16 $ 15.003.049,52$ 14.871.093,05
2016jun.$ 3.122.416,11$ 2.879.275,88 $ 18.125.465,63$ 17.750.368,93
2016jul.$ 3.820.239,27$ 3.237.616,84 $ 21.945.704,90$ 20.987.985,77
2016aug.$ 3.057.424,10$ 3.519.914,18 $ 25.003.129,00$ 24.507.899,95
2016sept.$ 3.191.870,08$ 3.790.792,88 $ 28.194.999,08$ 28.298.692,83
2016oct.$ 3.233.443,83$ 3.234.116,17 $ 31.428.442,91$ 31.532.809,00
2016nov.$ 2.600.200,37$ 2.815.782,99 $ 34.028.643,28$ 34.348.591,99
2016dic.$ 3.014.417,02$ 2.915.944,48 $ 37.043.060,30$ 37.264.536,47
2017jan.$ 2.655.247,31$ 3.210.255,6717,29%$ 2.655.247,31$ 3.210.255,6717,29%
2017feb.$ 3.012.526,90$ 2.416.694,16-24,65%$ 5.667.774,21$ 5.626.949,83-0,73%
2017mar.$ 3.291.494,73$ 3.136.653,17-4,94%$ 8.959.268,94$ 8.763.603,00-2,23%
2017apr.$ 3.100.229,69$ 3.014.915,70-2,83%$ 12.059.498,63$ 11.778.518,70-2,39%
2017may.$ 3.801.179,75$ 3.224.530,82-17,88%$ 15.860.678,38$ 15.003.049,52-5,72%
2017jun.$ 3.302.255,26$ 3.122.416,11-5,76%$ 19.162.933,64$ 18.125.465,63-5,72%
2017jul.$ 3.104.700,53$ 3.820.239,2718,73%$ 22.267.634,17$ 21.945.704,90-1,47%
2017aug.$ 3.977.982,00$ 3.057.424,10-30,11%$ 26.245.616,17$ 25.003.129,00-4,97%
2017sept.$ 3.211.017,79$ 3.191.870,08-0,60%$ 29.456.633,96$ 28.194.999,08-4,47%
2017oct.$ 3.705.129,89$ 3.233.443,83-14,59%$ 33.161.763,85$ 31.428.442,91-5,52%
2017nov.$ 3.247.800,47$ 2.600.200,37-24,91%$ 36.409.564,32$ 34.028.643,28-7,00%
2017dic.$ 3.351.796,31$ 3.014.417,02-11,19%$ 39.761.360,63$ 37.043.060,30-7,34%

I used this scrip:

vCurrentYear = Max(Year)

vPreviousYear = Max(Year-1)

vCurrentSales =           sum({<Year={$(vCurrentYear)}>}Sales)

vPreviousSales =           sum({<Year={$(vPreviousYear)}>}Sales)

vSalesEvolution = 1 - $(vCurrentSales)/$(vPreviousSales)

vCumSales =               RangeSum(Above($(vCurrentSales), 0, RowNo()))

vCumPreviousSales =   RangeSum(Above($(vPreviousSales), 0, RowNo()))

vCumSalesEvolution = 1 - $(vCurrentSales)/$(vPreviousSales)

I have these results for current sales:

But I can have the results for cumulative sales:

Could someone help me please?

35 Replies
Not applicable

Thanks for your answer.

I´m trying to have cumulative past year sales. I already have cumulative this year sales in a way I postet at the beguining (year by year)

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

1) Can you please double check that you have the same variable settings. For vPreviousYear there is the equal sign and for vPreviousSales there is no equal sign.

2) When you said it doesn't work, does it show null or what?

3) In your real app, does the previous sales show correctly?

4) Which version are you using?

Not applicable

Hi Fei, thanks for your answer.

1) Hay have the = sign in both cases (remember that I work in spanish)

2) It shows nothing

3) yes (see green line in previous image)

4) I´m using QlikSense february2018 version

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Can you please show us the variables for vPreviousSales and the vCummPreviousSales (Spanish is fine, we can check the expressions)?

Why did you use $() for current year but no dollar sign $() for last year?

Not applicable

These are the viariables that I have (in black, the variables of the qvf file, in red, the variables in the original model)

vCurrentYear = Max(Year)

vAñoAct = Max(Año)

vPreviousYear = Max(Year-1)


vCurrentSales =  sum({<Year={$(vCurrentYear)}>}Sales)

vVentas = sum({<IDCuenta={'40'},Año={$(vAñoAct)}>}Dinero*Porcentaje)

vPreviousSales =  sum({<Year={$(vPreviousYear)}>}Sales)

vVentasAnt = sum({<IDCuenta={'40'},Año={$(vAñoAnt)}>}Dinero*Porcentaje)

vSalesEvolution = 1 - $(vCurrentSales)/$(vPreviousSales)

vEvolucionVentas = 1 - $(vVentas)/$(vVentasAnt)

vCumSales = RangeSum(Above($(vCurrentSales), 0, RowNo()))

vVentasAcum = RangeSum(Above($(vVentas), 0, RowNo()))

vCumPreviousSales =   RangeSum(Above($(vPreviousSales), 0, RowNo()))

vVentasAntAcum = RangeSum(Above($(vVentasAnt), 0, RowNo()))

vCumSalesEvolution = 1 - $(vCurrentSales)/$(vPreviousSales)

vEvolucionVentasAcum = 1 - $(vVentasAcum)/$(vVentasAntAcum)

“Why did you use $() for current year but no dollar sign $() for last year?” Where did you see that?

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

From your screenshot:

Not applicable

ahh, don´t pay attention on that. They are only fantasy names

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

The label name doesn't matter but the expression does.

vCumPreviousSales will not work:

$(vCumPreviousSales) will work:

Not applicable

This is the script. I think it is correct, despite the label is not.

But I'll appreciate if you see something wrong

Partner - Specialist
Partner - Specialist

Can't find anything wrong. Sorry, couldn't provide any help.