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Is there a way to export a chart to pdf or excel by clicking on a button?
Hello @SNB ,
On the same link of such extension the author shared a link on how to create your own extension, it might be interesting so you could built your own extension that mets all your needs.
qliksense-extension-tutorial - npm (npmjs.com)
Hi @SNB ,
usually you do that by right-clicking on a visualization or from its menu and then selecting Download as... and PDF.
Otherwise, if you are using Qlik Sense Enterprise for Windows, you might consider using, at an additional cost, NPrinting with On-Demand reports. That will allow you to create reporting buttons.
Hello @SNB ,
I do agree with @Daniele_Purrone response and I would add that if working with Qlik Cloud you should also look at the Qlik Reporting Service. More information below:
Qlik Reporting Service, a new approach to report d... - Page 2 - Qlik Community - 1870023
Thanks @Daniele_Purrone and @Albert_Candelario
I'm aware of the right click and Nprinting reports but I'm asking if there's a working extension or a button i can add export action to it..
Hello @SNB,
Then you meant something similar to sense-export - Qlik Developer, right?
Yes like this extension but unfortunately it's not working, i'm using November 2021 version.
Hello @SNB ,
On the same link of such extension the author shared a link on how to create your own extension, it might be interesting so you could built your own extension that mets all your needs.
qliksense-extension-tutorial - npm (npmjs.com)