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Filter Pane or Button with more fields

Hello Qlik colleagues!

I would like to ask for your help. I have a problem: 16 values, 3 different fields. Now they work like a button (1 button for each value), where if I select one value, 3 fields are displayed with the exactly selected value. The customer would like to have the values as drop down menus, but in the filter pane and also at the button I can add only 1 dimension - 1 field. I tried vizlib filter pane with vizlib action, but it also doesn't work, because the dashboard shows me only the one dimension. Is there any solution for that, please? 


Thank you in advance for your help.

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3 Replies

You can add as many fields (dimensions) as you want to a filter pane, so that shouldn't be an issue.

You could also consider using variables with a Variable Input, which can be set to a dropdown, given the small number of values and the fact that you seem to be using button actions for multi field selection anyway.


Thank you!

Yes, but in that case, I have to select the fields separately, but in my case I need to select only one value in one field and use it as an action to display the other two fields like a button. F.E.: Market ID, Market Name and Market Group are 3 fields. The value will be Oxford (OXF) and there are also more values. Now I have a button, where if i click on the OXF button, the sheet will dynamically change only for this Market - the values will be visible only for OXF and the value comes from 3 fields - Market ID, Market Name and Market Group, bcs they are from different tables (I think non concatenated). Now, are those button separately on the sheet and I would like to put them together like a dropdown menu. 


I would use a Variable Input and then a button. Users would select whatever in the variable, and then pressing the button will make the matching selection in the assorted fields. Of course, in this scenario, my preference would be to create a fourth field based on the existing three and let users select from that one, because it seems more efficient and easier to use.