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Contributor II
Contributor II

Filter by initial and final word

Hello, I have a problem.

I need data for certain routes whose origin is MAD and destinations are: LPA TFN/TCI FUE ALC PMI MAH AGP PUJ HAV CUN SDQ.

I have a 'routing' filter in which I can filter by routes.
The problem is that many routes make stopovers and those stopover airports leave in the middle of the route.
What I want is that it filters me only for the ones that start with MAD and end with one of those 12 destinations.

In other occasions, I have used the regular expression *MAD*, which filters everything that contains the word MAD, but I can't find any regular expression that does the same but when it is only the first word; nor when it is the last one, to put the destinations.

ChatGPT tells me that to make it the first word MAD, I have to put ^MAD*, but I have tried it and it doesn't show me anything.

I do not have access to the script editor.

Does anyone know how to do it?

Thank you very much in advance.


23 Replies
Contributor II
Contributor II

Nada, no hay manera, debe ser por lo que dices de las comillas dobles, porque estoy intentando todo y no lo consigo.
Adjunto imagenes


You can type this in the search bar of the field Route:
=WildMatch([Route],'{"MAD*') And WildMatch([Route],'*LPA"}','*TFN"}','*TCI"}','*FUE"}','*ALC"}','*PMI"}','*MAH"}','*AGP"}','*PUJ"}','*HAV"}','*CUN"}','*SDQ"}') 

Contributor II
Contributor II

It is not choosing the ones I want.
If you look at the second and the last one and the previous one, they do not have as destination (last three letters) any of those that I have written that they should have.


Have you put the entire expression (everything on the same line)? This should work, I don't see how this is possible to have the second one.

=WildMatch([Route],'{"MAD*') And WildMatch([Route],'*LPA"}','*TFN"}','*TCI"}','*FUE"}','*ALC"}','*PMI"}','*MAH"}','*AGP"}','*PUJ"}','*HAV"}','*CUN"}','*SDQ"}')