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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Filter issue with combination of several fields

Hi Qlikers,

I my app I'm trying to match 2 charts with variable extension. So what do I have:

1st: Variable extension is set with variable = vDim and I have created several buttons to select different dimenssions (Country, City, Customer, ...)

2nd: I have a chart that has dimenssion = $(vDim). So each time you select a button (Country...) the chart will adapt.

3rd: I have a second chart that says: if(vDim='Country', [Continent], if(vDim='City', [Country],...

So this all works perfectly ... except that if you select for exemple a continent in the second chart all the different dimenssions will be set in the filter bar. So I have 10 dimenssions and each time I filter in the second chart I have 10 filters in my bar filter. This is really a problem for user experience. Is there a way to tell Qlik Sense to only filter on the dimension displayed and not on all the dimenssions I have in my formula?

Thanks for your help.

3 Replies
Not applicable

Hi Xavier,

All the filters are shown the possible values for the selection with white background and other values of the filter with grey background. So that the users can easily identify the possible values for the selection.


Rajesh R. S.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi Rajesh,

Yes I know that there is white and greybackground for filters. Here it's not about that. It's about the problem that accured when you have in a chart a dimension composed with several dimensions. When user select a value in the chart all the hidden dimenssions will show in the filter panel.

I'm looking for a way to avoid this;

Best regards

Contributor III
Contributor III

 Xavier, you ever managed to resolve this?  I'm having the exact same problem. 

For anyone else reading this that might need a bit more info to understand the issue: