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I have data from 2022-10 until 2024-05 and would like the below table (see image) to only show me previous years volumes up until the maximum month that there is data for of this year.
So i would only want to see data up until May for the previous year as its how much data I have for the current year.
sum({$ <TRAN_DATE={">='2022-10-01'<=$(=rangemin('2023-09-31', addyears(max(TRAN_DATE),-1)))"}>} VOLUME)
Not sure why this formula is returning 0
Just use each single expression-part as an own expression within the object - and if any one doesn't work like expected you could adjust it to be working and/or replace it with another approach - and then you put the parts together again.
Rangemin() takes numeric values. '2023-09-01' is a string. Try using MakeDate() instead.