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Hi all,
i am trying to get current_campaign_id by putting where condition to CurrentCampaignData.and then passing current_campaign_id to set analysis.
campaignid as current_campaign_id
WHERE ( current_start_date = Date( weekstart (Num ( today() ) )+1)) and match(batch_meta_data_id ,'23','24');
count({$<DateType= {'completion'},final_test_status={'passed'},campaign_id = P(current_campaign_id)>} course_completed)
This works fine, but i want to put this same logic in expression instead of loading in script .How could i do this.?
Please help me in this regard.
This is a pure guess, but does this make any difference?
Count({$<DateType= {'completion'}, final_test_status={'passed'},
invitation_id= p({<batch_meta_data_id = {23, 24}, current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'DateFieldFormatHere))"}>})
>} invitation_id)
Please check the below expression, which will work for you I guess
Count({$<DateType= {'completion'}, final_test_status={'passed'},
campaign_id = p({<batch_meta_data_id = {23, 24}, current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'MM-DD-YYYY'))"}>} campaign_id)
>} invitation_id)
i am getting -2028 for $(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'MM-DD-YYYY'))
and comparing this with current_start_date = date(floor(start_date),'MM-DD-YYYY') as current_start_date,
May be this is effecting?
am i right in putting DateFieldFormatHere in expression?
Check this in text box object:
=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'MM-DD-YYYY')
Without dollar sign expansion
Its giving same count with or without using current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'MM-DD-YYYY'))"}
So could you explain me how get or check whether i am passing campaign_id for expression.
I tried putting below expression to textbox it displays nothing.
campaign_id = p({<batch_meta_data_id = {23, 24}, current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'MM-DD-YYYY'))"}>} campaign_id)
Create a Straight table
Dimension - Campaign_id
Expression - Only({<batch_meta_data_id = {23, 24}, current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1,'MM-DD-YYYY'))"}>} campaign_id)
And check whether you get the desired Campaign_IDs
yes i am getting 05-17-2016 (i.e in MM-DD-YYYY format ),
how could i know in my expression whether current_campaign_id is getting passed or not.
To check that, you can try this:
Concat({current_campaign_id = p({<batch_meta_data_id = {23, 24}, current_start_date = {"$(=Date(WeekStart(Today()) + 1, 'DateFieldFormatHere))"}>})
>} current_campaign_id, ', ')
This will give you a comman separated list of all current_campaign_ids that are getting included via the p() function
No, it is not displaying anything in text box.
I am getting same values both in Dimension and expression.Both are equal in lenght and values.
But it is filtering for batch id's 23 and 24.
I think its not filtering for current_start_date as it showing all values.